четверг, 16 июня 2016 г.

Used Cell Phone Orchestration project


I have also a project aimed at developing a low-cost device that can be programmed to perform macroses with your old used cell phone with buttons. Using clever set of MOSFETS it can "press" any button on your phone. I'm goign to use this for High-Altitude Balloon project - to reduce costs of tracking payload to a minimum: you don't need GPS, you don't need radio, you don't need any expensive parts in your payload AS WELL as in your ground station - just a phone that can accept emails and SMS/MMS texts.

Here is the project on hackaday.io https://hackaday.io/project/10130-used-cell-phone-orchestration 

I've published a new Log to the project, which tells about latest soldered and connected tests. Here is a video of what you can do with this device:

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