вторник, 6 августа 2013 г.

Installing SQL Server Reporting Services on Windows Server Core

Hi All,

A quick post on the subject. I was searching for a while trying to understand why Microsoft limited the ability to install SRS on Server Core. I think mostly because of the fact that you actually need a web browser to work with it, in the configuration tool there are links which should be opened in a webbrowser - which is not installed on the server core.

However there are absolutely no technical limitations whatsoever for running SRS on the core. And I was able to finally find a way to install SRS on it.

A fellow familiar with the setup and how it works(thanks a lot if you are reading it!) helped me identify the name of the check which should be disabled.

So, first of all you should launch the GUI version of SQL server setup. For me it worked correctly only when I launch it from the command prompt and only when I installed GUI management tools feature, here is how you can do this (maybe everything will work even without this):

   Get-windowsfeature | ? {$_.name -like "Server-gui-mgmt*"} | install-windowsfeature

Then I installed everything using the following command

   setup.exe /action=install /features=RS /skiprules=servercoreblockunsupportedfeaturescheck    /iacceptsqlserverlicenseterms /UIMode=enableUIOnServerCore

Setup worked perfectly and now I have SQL server and SRS on Windows Server Core. Which is great!

P.S. Of course you have to have IIS already deployed on the server core and after the installation you need to launch the SRS configuration utility to create a database and web interfaces. (the tool is located at c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\StartMenu\Programs\... and then in the corresponding SQL server folder)

P.P.S. I was using SQL Server 2012 SP1.
