вторник, 12 мая 2009 г.

Last.fm is now a commercial service :(

Sad but true. Will remove all my last.fm links and subscription.

Thank you last.fm, it was a good idea. Now I’m going to find another free internet radio.

среда, 6 мая 2009 г.

Asterisk 1.6 + Voiceone + Exchange 2007

Almost finished this configuration. For those who don’t know – Voiceone is a great gui for asterisk. I was able to install it with asterisk 1.6, although it was not intended to work with it (so I rewrote its code a little bit), you can reed more in this topic


In the last post I added a link to download my code. Also now I’m adding a link to my dialplan and some configuration (I will be updating this site, right now it doesn’t have all configs).


With respect to

Voiceone – it’s great – I like it – it is very intuitive and it’s very convenient to modify settings of my asterisk box. I even was able to do a provisioning of Linksys PAP2 boxes – check my code.

Asterisk 1.6 – it’s super. With respect to previous versions – it is more stable and works perfectly in real-time asterisk mode. They also fixed many bug with SIP and NAT. So right now my new asterisk server is sitting behind a NAT, we forwarded ports from one of our external IPs to this box (these a SIP UDP ports, you can google for them) using our CISCO ASA firewall. So, I was able to connect external client that was behind a router/NAT to the asterisk, in previous version it was a problem. All my SIP providers are working perfectly. Moreover they added TCP SIP support to this version which allowed me to connect it to Exchange unified messaging.

Exchange UM – this is awesome. Right now I can call to a person by calling to Exchange auto attendant and saying a name of that person. I can log into my mailbox by voice and Exchange will read emails for me, reschedule my meetings, compose voice messages and call people. I was able to use exchange as a voice messaging system of my Asterisk PBX. Hopefully it is already supports faxes the same way, although I am not sure :).

With these 2 (plus voiceone) guys, Exchange UM and Asterisk 1.6 I can do even more. Will tell you of course… :)

P.S. Probably will add more details in the future. If I’d have a time…