понедельник, 9 февраля 2009 г.

Mail servers, DNS and SPF records

Today spent some time investigating issues with friend’s mail server. Well, it looks like some of our russian mailing systems began to check for SPF. We added and SPF record for his domain and everything began to work properly. Before that mail.ru, rambler.ru didn’t accept mail from his server.

While doing this I’ve found some interesting tools in the cloud

http://www.politemail.com/check-spf.aspx – a tool to check SPF record for your domain.

http://old.openspf.org/wizard.html – this is very famous resource, as far as I remember they started when SPF was just a small initiative group. This wizard can help you to create a correct SPF record for your domain.

http://www.intodns.com/ – nice tool instead of dnsreport which is now a commercial service.

We also checked his mail server in different blacklists. It looks like after we added an SPF record it did the trick.

Hello world!

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BTW, below is my MS tag, in case you are too lazy to type http://sgoncharenko.blogspot.com in your browser :) 

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